Bat Attack protest continues at controversial Whitehaven owned Maules Creek mine site

Maules Creek mine entrance blocked!

Mass protest continues in the Leard State Forest as the entrance to Whitehaven Coal’s Maules Creek mine was blocked for several hours. 5 people locked themselves together blocking the entrance to the mine stopping workers gaining access. Police and Police Rescue arrived on site to the peaceful protest and the 5 people blocking the road have been arrested.

Meet the Road-blocking 5:

BATATTACK-P-6thumbScarlett Squire, 22, film student from Brisbane

“The Government has not been taking action, companies are not held responsible for their environmental destruction, this is why I have felt the need to do something about this atrocious mine development. We literally cannot continue using natural resources at the rate we have been.”


BATATTACK-P-2thumbIsaac Astill, 21, climate campaigner from Sydney

“I want to be able to look the next generation in the eyes and say ‘I did everything I could to stop the fossil fuel industry.”

Isaac was the 2013 Bob Brown Young Environmentalist of the Year



Pat Dollard, 21, history student from Melbourne

“It’s so vital that we take action now, there’s no time to lose to prevent irreversible climate damage. My generation needs to step up and see the importance of saying ‘no more!'”



BATATTACK-P-9thumbDylan Sweeney, 23, ecology student from the Sunshine Coast

“I am here for my niece. I want her to grow up in a world still full of beautiful nature. I want the next generation to have something left for them.”



BATATTACK-P-1thumbFred Stark, 27, web developer from the Sunshine Coast

“The science has shown us that we cannot afford to keep mining and using resources the way we are after 2017. We can’t afford to build any new coal mines, this happens never again.”

Forest occupied with ‘Tree Sit’ structures!

2 people have occupied sections of the forest with structures roping off areas to prevent clearing activity. Their tree sits are suspended high in the tree canopies. Christine Ng, 23, artist from Sydney and Daniel Lee, 22, environmental engineer from Melbourne, occupied an area of the forest marked to be cleared. Police have arrested both and have taken them to Narrabri.


Christine Ng, 23, artist from Sydney

“The senseless destruction of forest and ecosystems, home to many endangered species makes me feel I need to take direct action against such injustices such as the clearing of the Leard State Forest. These animals have no voice so it is our responsibility to stand up for them.”




Daniel Lee, 22, environmental engineer graduate from Melbourne

“ The standard pratices of open cut mining are inherently destructive and the rehabilitation of environments inadequate. The clearing of a forest with such a high number of endangered and threatened species simply adds to the list of environmental impacts. While the desecration of Gomeroi sacred sites demonstrates a complete disrespect of first nations people. The project blatantly portrays the lack of foresight entrenched with in our state and federal government.”

Bat Attack Continues as Premier Baird is put on notice

The protest comes as part of a 6-day mass convergence called Bat Attack, which has seen over 300 people from around Australia flock to the area to protest the clearing of critically endangered box-gum woodlands in the Leard State Forest.

With 6 weeks until the NSW state election, the protesters are calling on NSW Premier Baird, who recently opened the mine, to implement urgently required mining approval reforms, or face further protest throughout the election campaign.

Leard Forest Alliance spokesperson Ros Druce said, “The Maules Creek project should never have happened in the first place, and the thousands of people who have visited and support this campaign, will make sure it never will happen again. The people who have seen first-hand the destruction of this irreplaceable ecosystem are clearly saying ‘never again’.”

Whitehaven’s flagship project has been plagued with questions over dodgy forest offsets, misleading information and links to figures embroiled in ICAC anti-corruption hearings. The Leard Forest Alliance has been calling for a full inquiry into how the mine was approved by NSW and federal governments.

“The 396 species found in the Leard, 34 of which are endangered, have no voice of their own. People from around Australia are standing up for them; with farmers, and also the Gomeroi whose sacred sites are under threat. The problems around this mine mark it as the biggest farce in recent history – combined with the threat of climate change, you have to ask, why was this project approved and why doesn’t Baird act?” Ms Druce continued.

Multiple arrests have already occurred after protesters chained themselves to bulldozers on Sunday.

Further Information:

Ros Druce, Leard Forest Alliance Spokesperson, 0427 826 188

Twitter updates @FLACCoal and #LeardBlockade

High Res Pictures for use from:

Shame Whitehaven, more agony for Gomeroi Elders

16/2/2015 Velyama Gates, Therribri Rd Maules Creek

This morning, Whitehaven delivered a fresh round of agony, as Gomeroi Traditional Custodians were again denied access to sacred sites within the mine site. Instead Elders conducted ceremony out the front of the gates. Over 100 supporters joined in ceremony and bared witness to the Gomeroi struggle.

There are many sacred sites including burial grounds in Leard State Forest, within the boundaries of both Idemitsu’s Boggabri coal, and Whitehaven’s Maules Creek mine leases.

“Last week, after a long and stressful struggle with Whitehaven Coal, the Gomeroi were finally able to exercise their constitutional right to conduct sacred ceremony- but it is downright shameful that it took so much struggle to get to this point.”  said Leard Forest Alliance spokesperson Meret MacDonald

“Gomeroi custodians and elders have had to take it to the Anti-Discrimination Tribunal to demand access to sacred sites. Yet today Whitehaven turn around and again, deny access to sacred sites. Whitehaven’s actions have been deeply disrespectful and absolutely shameful.” said Ms. MacDonald

“The Leard Forest Alliance honours our treaty with Gomeroi and deeply value our relationship with elders and community. We stand by our commitment that there will be no actions at the locations where ceremony is being conducted.”

Read the treaty here:

Leard State Forest clearing halted by Bat Attack protesters

– MAULES CREEK, February 2015: The 250 strong Bat Attack convergence have taken their protest festival to the Leard State Forest with a rally declaring that they will ‘never let this happen again’. The protest comes as Whitehaven Coal recommences clearing in the critically endangered Leard State Forest.12 people have locked down bulldozers destined to clear the forest, and 200 people rally at the gates to the mine with a giant Grim Reaper puppet and signs reading “Coal is Dead”.

The gathering are calling for a halt to forest clearing activity, and are sending a clear message to Mike Baird: “never again.”, The project has been plagued by protest for over two years now, with over 300 arrests, including fifth-generation farmer Rick Laird and former Wallabies captain David Pocock.

Spokesperson for the Leard Forest Alliance, Ros Druce, said “ There is a state election in six weeks, and Mike Baird needs to know that the unfinished business of mining reform in New South Wales will haunt his Government until it is resolved.”

The Leard Forest Alliance have consistently called for an overhaul of mining approval processes and an end to  mining company [political donations in the wake of the approval of the scandal plagued Maules Creek mine project.

“There are precious remnant woodlands proposed to be cleared for coal mines elsewhere in New South Wales, and other communities fighting large new mines as big as this one.  The thousands of people that have come to Maules Creek will now spread out across the state and they will never let the coal industry and the New South Wales Government do this again.”

Police and Police Rescue are on the scene at the Bulldozer site.

UPDATE 10:30AM: 7 people have been arrested – 6 released without charge and 1 taken to Narrabri Police Station. 8 people are still chained to the bulldozers.

Further Information:

Ros Druce, Leard Forest Alliance Spokesperson, 0427 826 188

Phil Evans, Leard Forest Alliance Spokesperson, 0490 064 139

Website with pictures updates

Twitter updates @FLACCoal and #LeardBlockade

Shame Whitehaven’s Shame- finally Gomeroi ceremony is realised

– MAULES CREEK, 11 February 2015: In the lead up to Friday’s 7th anniversary of the Apology for the Stolen Generation, the Leard Forest Alliance express their support for the Tent Embassy’s gathering in Canberra and dismay at lengthy delays by Whitehaven to give Gomeroi traditional custodians access to ceremonial sites.

“After a long and stressful struggle with Whitehaven Coal, the Gomeroi were finally able to exercise their constitutional right to conduct sacred ceremony- but it is downright shameful that it took so much struggle to get to this point.” Meret MacDonald, Leard Forest Alliance Spokesperson said.

There are many sacred sites including burial grounds in Leard State Forest, within the boundaries of both Idemitsu’s Boggabri coal, and Whitehaven’s Maules Creek mine leases.

“Mark Vaile – former Deputy Prime Minister and now Chairman of Whitehaven Coal should know better than this – why did the Gomeroi have to take this all the way to the Anti-Discrimination Board to get access to their sacred sites?” Ms MacDonald added.

“The State Government have agreed to the destruction of our communities forests and our natural assets including our water security and allowed for mining to leave as their legacy great big holes in the ground. Leaving a mess for our children and disregard for the protection of Gomeroi sacred sites and culturally important sites and objects.”

In the coming week it is expected that hundreds of people will descend on Maules Creek for a gathering called Bat Attack – in opposition to planned clearing in the Leard State Forest by the controversial coal miner.

“We, the Leard Forest Alliance, make a commitment to steer clear of sacred sites out of respect and to honour our treaty with the Gomeroi. There will be no actions at the locations where ceremony is being conducted.” Ms  MacDonald continued.

“The Leard Blockade sends its support to the many Elders and folks currently gathered in Canberra at the Tent Embassy to highlight continuing injustices against Australia’s first peoples. What is happening here on Gomeroi country and around the nation tells us there are serious problems that will only be solved when governments and corporates are made accountable for their actions.”

Further Information:
Meret MacDonald
Leard Forest Alliance Spokesperson
0402 017 027

Bat Attack looms for protest plagued Whitehaven Coal

– MAULES CREEK, 13 – 18 February 2015: The long running Leard Blockade camp opposing Whitehaven Coal’s controversial Maules Creek mine in the Leard State Forest has declared 6 days of protest against a fresh round of clearing in the critically endangered forest. The gathering, called Bat Attack, will feature musicians and artists from around the country and promises to be a new high point for the community lead campaign of peaceful civil disobedience.

Leard Forest Alliance Spokesperson Ros Druce said, “We are calling on people to rise up and join this creative resistance against big coal and the corruption it brings to our democracy, the damage it causes to the land, its people and of course to our worsening climate.”

Hundreds are expected at the event – joining the thousands who have already visited the camp. To date over 320 arrests have been made including that of prominent Australians such as former Wallabies captain David Pocock, 3 time Golden Guitar winner Luke O’Shea, IPCC contributing author Colin Butler and 92 year old WWII veteran Bill Ryan. Locals Ros Druce, Rick Laird and Adam Ryan are also amongst those who have taken arrestable action.

In winter, Whitehaven attempted to clear the forest, sparking mass protests and a challenge in the courts which saw the forest clearing program halt due to questionable approval of the activity by NSW Planning. Bat Attack coincides with the beginning of Whitehaven’s revised clearing schedule.

Ms Druce continued, “The Maules Creek mine itself has and will always be a perfect example of everything that is wrong with coal mining and its disregard for humanity and the environment. Australians – young and old – will not stand for this anymore – and the Leard Blockade is just the beginning as this sentiment spreads across the country.”

“We have called on government to look into how this mine was approved and it has fallen on deaf ears. We can only assume that it because there is something to hide – but the fight continues and we are working to ensure that dodgy projects like Maules Creek never happen again.”

Whitehaven Coal and its neighbour Idemitsu Resources are 12 months overdue submitting a Regional Biodiversity Plan which is supposed to set out how the coal mines plan to mitigate any impacts they have on the fragile ecosystems of the Leard.

Open Letter to Narrabri Shire Council

Attention: Narrabri Shire Council

An open letter in response to Narrabri Shire Council’s decision to threaten legal action if the Leard Blockade camp does not move by 6 February 2015.

Dear Councillors,

It has been just over a year since we were moved on from the Leard State Forest after 560 days and found a new home at Cliff Wallace’s Wando. This happened when NSW Police and NSW Forestry teamed up and decided to stoop to using fire safety as a political tool. With the benefit of hindsight, we are thankful that we were forced to move, since history shows that the result was a bigger, stronger and more diverse movement – with doctors, priests, lawyers, grandparents and many others coming from across Australia to show their solidarity for Maules Creek locals. Now you – their council –  are moving us – from freehold lands that are rightfully Gomeroi and Cliff Wallace’s – and once again, Front Line Action on Coal will again become bigger and stronger.

It is no shock that council have set this deadline just a week before Whitehaven and Idemitsu begin ten weeks of destroying the Leard State Forest – a site of high Aboriginal and cultural heritage significance and also a critically endangered state forest with tier one biodiversity. Council claim we have not put in appropriate paperwork – yet Whitehaven and Idemitsu have still not yet filed their Regional Biodiversity Management Plan – now over one year late. Where is their eviction notice?

The deadline also comes at a time when our host Cliff Wallace faces personal health issues – known to the council – and we consider this to be a weak and callous action against one of its own constituents.

We want you to understand that Front Line Action on Coal is a movement, which is bigger than any one camp, and so council’s actions are not only inappropriate, but futile. The wider community’s need for farmland, uncontaminated underground water, clean air and social and environmental justice will not disappear simply because council have attempted to disperse a single camp at Wando. It is not possible to destroy a movement which unites traditional custodians, farmers, environmentalists, and citizens from all over the country (and from overseas) through targeting a physical space. The tactics which you would use to destroy a forest won’t work here.

For Whitehaven Coal, which has so far been incapable of turning a profit, the forest is a physical barrier between them and a coal seam, to be removed by engineers, explosives and bulldozers. On the one hand, it’s a shame that council have arrived at the same view. But on the other, the complicity of council in this destruction reminds us who serves whose interests, and by stepping in and moving on this camp, you are selling our message better than we could.

When we surveyed ordinary Narrabrians about whether they believe that council would be influenced by Whitehaven’s $800,000 per year Voluntary Planning Agreement when making decisions- 75% of respondents said yes – with even 50% of those who supported the mine still responding that council would not make unbiased decisions. Is this short term cash injection blinding you to the long term negative economic costs and social impacts of coal outlined at a recent information evening in Maules Creek organised by the local community?

We will continue to invite anyone who is not happy with the bully-boy tactics of coal junkies and the corrupting influence of coal on all three levels of Government to become a part of the growing movement, Front Line Action on Coal.

 We acknowledge and thank those councillors who have supported the campaign. We also give massive thanks to Cliff Wallace and the local community for their ongoing support.

The campaign against coal mining in the Leard is far from over. See you at Bat Attack.

Yours Sincerely,

Front Line Action on Coal


Pocock fronts court over Maules Creek protest

– GUNNEDAH, 04 February 2015: Farmers, Gomeroi Traditional custodians and environmentalists are holding a vigil at 9am today out the front of the Gunnedah Courthouse in solidarity with former Wallabies captain David Pocock. Pocock is facing charges related to peaceful protest activity in opposition to Whitehaven Coal’s Maules Creek mine in the Leard State Forest.

On 30th November last year Pocock, Maules Creek farmer Rick Laird along with 7 others locked down Whitehaven’s Hitachi Super Digger in the Maules Creek Project site.

The coal industry continues to face fierce opposition in the North West, from people who care about agricultural land, climate and country. Yesterday Premier Baird snubbed the Maules Creek community in a FiFo visit to Whitehaven’s project.

Rick Laird, Maules Creek Farmer and Leard Forest Alliance spokesperson said, “After meeting David and locking on to a huge digger with him for 10 or more hours, I came to realise he is a fine young Australian with very high moral values.

“His family over in Zimbabwe were farmers, and he one day wants to indeed return to the land. He supports the plight of farmers, and their constant battle against big coal, to protect water tables, agricultural land, cultural heritage and the general health of farmers and the environment.
“What a champion, and leader of a generation of young people who can see the world through young eyes. Without a doubt the world’s climate is changing. We both agree that there is no place for foreign shareholders and companies running over communities in rural Australia.”

The campaign to save the Leard State Forest has swelled into a huge opposition to the expansion of the coal export industry. This comes in the lead up to a mass convergence on February 13 which coincides with Whitehaven’s plans to clear sections of the critically endangered forest.

Pocock has been accused of three offences – related to hindering mine equipment, entering enclosed lands and remaining on enclosed lands. Rick Laird, 5th generation Maules Creek farmer and Pocock’s co-accused, was sentenced last week to a 9 month good behaviour bond with no conviction recorded.

UPDATE 10:30AM: Emma and David have entered the court for the hearing.

UPDATE 11.10AM: Emma and David sentenced with a Section 10 (no conviction) and no penalty. The magistrate said “Pocock was of exceptional character and that protest activity is likely to continue at Maules Creek” Emma Pocock is available for comment

Further Information:

Rick Laird
Leard Forest Alliance Spokesperson
0427 056 418
Meret MacDonald
Leard Forest Alliance Spokesperson
0402 017 027

Twitter updates @FLACCoal and #LeardBlockade

FiFo Premier in bed with the mining industry

MAULES CREEK, 3 February 2015: This morning Premier Mike Baird flew into the Maules Creek mine site bypassing the local community who last week came out strongly against the scandal plagued project. Last Friday, the Maules Creek community hall was crowded with local farmers and Gomeroi traditional custodians who discussed the negative economic and social impacts of the mine.

Premier Baird flew into the mine site by helicopter to open the partially operational mine – which by Whitehaven’s own admission is only 87% complete.

Leard Forest Alliance Spokesperson Murray Drechsler said, “The campaign against the Maules Creek project has grown from strength to strength – despite all that has been thrown at it. This latest snub by Premier Baird – and his National Party allies -shows how out of touch he is and in March out of office.”

Baird’s latest move comes as the Leard Blockade camp – running for over two and a half years – makes preparation to launch a mass event to combat Whitehaven’s scheduled forest clearing in the Leard State Forest.

“Thousands have already come – and hundreds more have made the pledge to come and support locals as they protect this irreplaceable forest. This mine continues to be a beacon for the rising swell of opposition to the expansion of the coal export industry in Australia,” Mr Drechsler continued.

Tomorrow prominent rugby union player David Pocock will be in Gunnedah after being arrested last November taking direct action. Over 300 people have been arrested in an huge display of opposition to coal expansion in the Leard State Forest.

Further Information:
Murray Drechsler
Leard Forest Alliance Spokesperson
0418 754 869

Website with pictures updates

Twitter updates @FLACCoal and #LeardBlockade

Preserving Gomeroi grinding grooves lost in translation

-27th Jan Media Release from Gomeroi Traditional Custodians

The Gomeroi Traditional Custodians can’t help but respond to Mr Paul Jackson Manager of the Chinese government owned company Shenhua who are wanting approval for three big pits of open cut coal mining in the Liverpool Plains.

Respected Elder Uncle Cyril Sampson said “Shenhua is wanting to rip the gut out of our Country. They are wanting to destroy our grinding groove sites which have been there for thousands of years and repeatedly used by generations of our ancestors”

Mr Jackson’s public statement made on the 30 December 2014 to the ABC said “We don’t want to destroy these Grinding Grooves.”

The Gomeroi Traditional Custodians say “Well keep your word and leave our sacred grinding grooves alone”.

Our community were shocked at Project Manager Paul Jackson’s statement to the ABC that said “Shenhua proposes to move the rocks the Grooves are on, and put them back in the same location when the mining pit is rehabilitated, in 17 years.”

Mr Jackson’s statements suggest some kind of technical feat will be performed in ”gently moving the sacred grinding grooves out of the way while they undertake mining only to return them unharmed back in their place in several years to come”.  Anyone that sees the Hunter and Whitehaven and Boggabri open cut mining activities knows how ridiculous this statement is.

Shenhua failed to tell the public that they intend to cut the grinding grooves up into pieces because the grinding groove sites are so large they can’t be moved as one whole piece.

The truth is that Shenhua wants to carve them up -like a jigsaw puzzle – forever destroying them. The aquifer providing the water which keeps the grinding grooves in their state will also be destroyed and the landscape Shenhua want to return the grooves pieces to will be forever changed and the meaning and purpose of the area lost. How can you declare smashed grinding grooves is not destruction?

How is this valuing our culture and heritage? How is this respecting our sites especially sites of such significance. Have a look at what mines have done to grinding groove sites in the Hunter. Have a look at the grinding grooves moved and placed at the Boggabri Park – it’s a sham and it’s shameful and it’s destructive. Please provide an example of successful removal….. look at the size of the grooves at Shenhua.

Would the Chinese people want to have the Great Wall of China cut up into pieces and then put back into a different landscape because Australia wanted to mine for coal?  Or would they send us packing and want to save them? Would they not be outraged? The Chinese Government have laws to protect their relics and cultural property of importance they recognise that the Great Wall of China is not portable- we say to the Chinese Peoples Republic our grinding grooves are decidedly not portable. Just like their cultural assets Gomeroi people have artefacts and places of significance and these need to be saved and protected

We also refer to Shenhua’ s own assessment document AECOM 2012 Appendix F2 which clearly states that “the friable nature of the sandstone makes it susceptible to erosion spalls etc”   How can Shenhua tell the public that the grooves will be gently moved and put back into place without being broken?

“Mr Jackson also inferred in his ABC article that he did us a favour in finding them (the grooves) which is not the truth. Our Elders worked these farms all their lives and just because we did not talk about the sacred places and objects does not mean that they are not known to us. Also being denied access to our sites does not diminish their value” said respected elder Uncle Dick Talbott.

We haven’t worked out if Shenhua are showing a huge dose of ignorance or arrogance with Mr Jackson’s public statements such as “We can use it as an education tool for the wider community so we all have a better understanding of the Aboriginal culture.  “It would really destroy me if we’ve got the opportunity to do that, if we chose to hide it away and not do anything with it.”

We say “yes Mr Jackson you do have the opportunity to learn about our culture and heritage but to do so, learn about our culture and heritage by listening to our Elders and community and learn the importance of the grinding grooves by leaving them where they are” said Dolly Talbott

Aunty Helen Humble believe “Mr Jackson and the board of Shenhua your thinking is wrong, Your way of respecting our culture and heritage is considered disrespectful and reflects poor judgement and complete lack of understanding.”  We do not believe the average Australian will think it reasonable nor right for you to have approval to destroy such amazing grinding grooves. A company owned by the Peoples Republic of China simply should not get approval from the NSW Government to destroy another countries valuable culture and heritage – Aboriginal culture and heritage.


To infer that somehow Shenhua have done us a favour and will do us a favour in the process of you gauging huge holes in the Liverpool Plains is very upsetting The location of these grinding grooves are for a purpose, they are not for you to destroy and they should be saved for both Gomeroi and all other Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community appreciation of our culture- the oldest living culture on this planet.


We say “Sorry Mr Jackson and Shenhua a company of the Chinese government that something got lost in the translation”. GTC Elders and community


Dolly Talbott on behalf of the Gomeroi Traditional Custodians

[email protected]   phone 0413 131 983

Golden Guitar winner Luke O’Shea and father in Maules Creek protest

Media release

27 JANUARY 2015, Maules Creek

Country Music star and winner of three Golden Guitars* at last weekend’s Tamworth Country Music Festival, Luke O’Shea, has locked himself to Whitehaven Coal’s pump that draws water from the Namoi River this morning to join the community blockade against Maules Creek coal mine near Narrabri.

Mr O’Shea is joined in his protest this morning by his 71 year old father, Rick, who spent his early years living on the property on the banks of the Namoi River where the large pump is located that the Maules Creek mine uses to draw water for its construction and to wash its coal.

Whitehaven’s controversial Maules Creek coal project has already cleared a large area of Leard State Forest, and clearing is slated to begin again in mid-February. Over the last thirteen months, over 250 people have been arrested blockading construction of the mine, including members the local farming community.

O’Shea has a deep personal connection to the local struggle. His father was born and raised near the very spot on the Namoi River where Whitehaven is now extracting water for the mine.

O’Shea said he was answering a “call to country” shared with tens of thousands of Australians who think that farmlands, water and environment need protecting from the impacts of coal mining.

O’Shea said, “Knowing that a mining company was sucking water out of the Namoi River near where I grew up was very painful for me. Fresh and abundant water is the lifeblood of country Australia, and I couldn’t sit by and do nothing while it was being wasted on washing coal.”

“Australian Country musicians have a strong tradition of standing up for people in the bush and singing the songs that highlight the strength and mateship found during hardship, be it through war, natural disasters or taking on large multinational mining companies. It is so integral to let the people on the land know they are not alone! And hopefully – by taking this action I can provide some hope and amplify the call!”

“It was important to me to come here to Maules Creek and join the local community and farmers in their fight to protect their water, their land and their forest. The sad but beautiful fact that this property where this pump exists once belonged to my family, makes it deeply personal.”

“It doesn’t matter who you are, or where you’re from, if you believe in something, and you love the land, and the rivers, then you put yourself on the line to defend it. 100 years ago our ancestors answered the call to help their mates in strife overseas. Today, greed is the enemy and the battle is on our land. So much of rural Australia needs our help: hopefully, this action can inspire others to find out what’s really happening out here and to realise they can make a difference.”

Late last year, O’Shea released a video clip “Sing You Up” dedicated to people across Australia fighting inappropriate coal and gas mining. The track is available for viewing here: or here :


* Luke has now won three Heritage Awards in a row, over three consecutive years, the last person to do this was Slim Dusty in the 80’s.


Follow the action on twitter via #leardblockade


For a full statement from Luke O’Shea, see below


“Answer the Call!” – Luke O’Shea
Let us all remember our forefathers defining ANZAC spirit & courage as they answered the call to join & help their mates already over the other side of the world fighting for their lives.
One hundred years on, the call for help and for backup is coming now from our own mates and family members, whose lives & livelihoods are being attacked in our own back yard, on our own Australian soil.
The enemy has not used bayonets or bullets to invade, but bureaucracy and bullshit. Too much of our country is covered in mining licences.


Protect our food and water. It’s simple. Why are the largest open cut coal mines in Australia coal seam gas mining being allowed to expand into our richest agricultural regions – the Liverpool and Breeza Plains?


We have been blessed with some of the world’s most fertile black soil. Somehow, upon the second driest continent on the planet, there is just enough water in the river systems and aquifers to allow the plains to yield crops which helps feeds our nation and the world. How is it that Whitehaven Coal at Maules Creek has licence now to 3 billion litres of freshwater from the Namoi River? That’s 85% of the Lower Namoi High Security Water, not being used to sustain crops or the people within the communities, but to wash coal. They’re also drawing water from local aquifers, affecting farmers that rely on good productive groundwater.
Why are my Dad and I taking this action? This is not an anti-mining statement: this is an anti-greed statement. We have family members and close friends who work in the coal mining industry and now their own livelihoods and communities are at risk and threatened due to the saturation of coal on the market. The price of coal on the world market has decreased more than 50% within the last 18 months. Australian mines are stockpiling coal in the hope the world market prices rise. Coal mine employees are being forced to take long service leave, reduced work hours and pay cuts. We do not need another huge coal mine.

My father was born and spent his early years here in a house that my grandfather built with his father – on bend of the Namoi River. This place is by sad and beautiful coincidence the place where Whitehaven’s Maules Creek mine has laid a long giant pipeline that allows the three billion litres of water to be drawn from a drought affected region. That pipeline is the reason I first became aware of the region’s plight.


My responsibility as an Australian singer songwriter is to Sing Up the land and its people.


Any media attention coming my way from my recent success at Tamworth will be used to amplify the call from people on the land who are feeling abandoned and hopeless. Who will answer the call?


Two hundred and fifty people within the last thirteen months have been arrested on the Maules Creek blockade alone. These are not radical hippies – these are everyday Australians, mothers, fathers, grandparents, proud Gomeroi people who I am proud to call my friends, doctors, lawyer, religious leaders, a famous rugby player, a 93 year old Kokoda War veteran, and now me and my dad – all deeply concerned about the direction Australia is heading. We are answering the call.


Who will answer the call?


Go to to answer.
