With only one day remaining before Bat Attack begins, things are getting very exciting out here at #LeardBlockade. You know the situation. We’ve got everything ready for six days of creative and powerful action ahead of us, so that we can make sure Whitehaven Coal get what they’ve got coming. There’s only one thing we’re missing: You. How special is that?
But before you come out, we thought we’d send a reminder of some important things to keep in mind, to make sure everyone arrives safe, happy and fully prepared.
Take a look at leard.frontlineaction.org/
This gives some details about what behaviour is and is not acceptable, as well as info on how to keep safe. Most important is RESPECT for COUNTRY, CULTURE & COMMUNITY, and always acting NON-VIOLENTLY towards others, yourself, creatures and the land. This is a beautiful and special place, and we want everyone to have fun and enjoy it, so please keep these guidelines in mind to make sure that happens.
Please keep alcohol consumption to a minimum and refrain from bringing any drugs at all. Keep in mind our motto, “A drink is OK, drunk is not.” This is a family friendly event!
A police presence is expected, so… expect it. Square peg, square hole. Unsure of how? Take a look at leard.frontlineaction.org/police-
There’s no hierarchy here (hurrah!) so you’ll be expected to help out (oh.) but helping is fun (hurrah!)! The upkeep of toilet facilities, showers and a fully functioning kitchen, amongst other things, are part of what we all need to contribute to in order to keep camp running.
We suggest a minimum $10 per day as contribution to the running of the camp. This pays forbreakfast, lunch and dinner, all prepared in the kitchen by volunteers (which could well be you), as well as power for 6 days of fantastic performances. Don’t be shy, be generous! Please have this ready, in cash, to pay at the front gate when you arrive. If finances are a problem, please have a chat to our friendly volunteers
If you have a canine companion that needs to come with you, they will need to be kept on a lead and with you at all times.
If you are thinking about being arrested taking non violent direct action, it is very important you bring some photo ID with you to assist with the processing in the police station.
With a large crowd expected to attend, we ask that you please be prepared to deal with your own garbage waste. Bring only what is necessary so you can go home happy knowing you have LEFT NO TRACE. Smoking is permitted on site in uncovered areas – however please bring portable ashtray.
For a guide on what to bring with you to camp, check out leard.frontlineaction.org/bat-
For those of you driving please be aware that dirt roads can be dangerous, so it’s best to keep speeds lower than usual. This is especially true on bends and when passing other cars.
Directions can be found below: BAT ATTACK IS NOT AT WANDO.
Here is a map 🙂 https://www.google.com/maps/d/
Coming from South: Immediately after you pass through Boggabri, take the first right towards Narrabri and follow the Kamilaroi HWY. Stay on the Kamilaroi HWY approx. 16km, then turn right onto Harparary rd. Stay on Harparary rd. as it changes from dirt to tarmac and back to dirt. After approx. 30km you will pass a right turn signposted to Boggabri (Leard Forest rd). Continue on past this rd. approx. 13km until you reach a gate with letterboxes, one of which is marked Kashmir. Continue through this gate for 1km, you will enter a steep creek crossing, almost immediately following which on your right hand side there will be signs saying “No Hunters”, “Lock the Gate” and a teepee should be visible. Drive up to the teepee and meet the wonderful welcome crew.
Coming from North: Head out of Narrabri on the old Gunnedah road until you hit Narribri Maules Rd. Turn left. Continue on ~25km until you hit a T intersection with Harparary Rd. Turn Left and continue straight ~26km along Harparary Rd past the turn off for Leard Forest rd: Harparary rd will change its name to upper maules creek road (but it is still the same road). Continue into upper maules creek until you reach a gate on your right saying ” No Hunters” turn in and drive into camp.
See you soon!