Where is Leard State Forest?

Leard State Forest is a short way off the Kamilaroi Highway between Boggabri and Narrabri, and adjoins the farming community of Maules Creek, in north west NSW. 

The forest is an 8000 hectare biodiversity hotspot – home to 396 native plant and animal species. There are plans to clear more than half of the forest to make way for open-cut coal mines.

Leard State Forest is part of the Gomeroi Nation. 

[googlemaps https://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=leard+state+forest&aq=&sll=-33.796923,150.922433&sspn=1.332926,2.705383&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Leard+State+Forest&ll=-30.635549,150.433044&spn=1.381519,2.705383&t=m&z=9&output=embed&w=760&h=350]

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