Media Alert 19 Dec
Simon Browne aged 40, and Sarah Littlewood aged 25, scaled the coal crusher before 6am and remained there until 6pm when they climbed down and were arrested.
Front Line Action on Coal spokesperson Meret MacDonald said that both Whitehaven and Idemitsu’s mines will not only destroy over 4000 hectares of native box gum woodland but drop the water table 5-7 meters. This will have a catastrophic effect on both fertile farmland and the endangered habitats of many species including Corben’s Long-Eared Bat, the Regent Honey-Eater and the Koala.
“Globally, there is only 0.01% of critically endangered box-gum woodland left in good condition, of which the Leard State Forest contains the largest remnant. It is time for JBIC and ANZ to stop funding coal projects. It is not worth investing in, especially considering the swell of resistance from local and broader communities.”
Japanese comment – Akira Harida
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