Day 291. Gaining Ground

With the promise of much needed rain  in the region brings hope for the farmers. Canola, Lucerne and other  crops need water  to grow, some of the farmers where able to irrigate there crops from bores, but where stopped 15 to 20 years ago, The Coal mines had other ideas for the water, knowing three  open cut mines will drop the underground water table 5 to 10 meters..

There is much growing opposition to the Coal mines from Newcastle to the Leard State Forest, building up like a thunderstorm, only the Mines and the Government can’t see it coming !!!!  Both wanting more and more, Idemitsu have been clearing some of the Leard State Forest since January  displacing all wildlife and habitat NEVER to return !!! Open cuts don’t heal, why they keep going is beyond logic….  Wile they keep going so must we, the fly in the ointment, the sand in the gears, we wear them down and make them accountable for what and how they do there dirty business.

The camp in the Leard State Forest is Gaining momentum with many plans in the pipe line, some dates to remember; 28th to the 30th we will be having another Leard listen up with the LOOKING Into the Belly of The Beaston the 5th to the 8th of July a tour by Mystery dingo, details on  Facebook

Looking forward meeting  old faces back in camp and new faces coming to the Forest for the fist time, Knowing that even a short time  in this Forest will change the way you think and feel about the environment we live in, and the protection is needs DSC08829 Stand and Protect

Love and Respect
