DAY 354 First evacuation of camp

hi all

Tarrawonga let go a loud blast , we checked wind direction, there was a good chance we would be in the path of the plume so we EVACUATED the camp for the first time  in 354 days,  The both mines blast every two days so evacuating the camp  once in nearly a year is a blessing. So far so good

The blast cousing the camp evacuitin

The blast causing the camp evacuation 

Whitehaven is very slow in starting constitution their hole in the ground, as so as they start with the big yellow monsters we will raise the alarm so stay posted…..

there has been a lot in the news about Whitehaven, legal challenge’s and protesters in court !!!!  Most of this is posted on Front line Action on Coal    or the Maules Creek Community Council

The big news that the camp at the front line will be turning one on the 5th of August 11 days away, would love to see you all here if you can … If you can not make it for that week end give me a call (muzz) on 0418 754 869 there may be a way of having an celebratory action near where you live …

Stand and Protect


Love and Protect



Day 350 And so we wait

Hi all.

For those of us in Sydney, this Tuesday, July 23rd, Jonathan will be appearing in Downing St Local Court.

Jonathan has now been charged under the Corporations Act for his action that exposed ANZ Bank’s funding of mining activities. Mining activities that threaten prime agricultural land and the health and survival of Koala populations in the Leard State Forest in NSW.

We are inviting all friends and community members to attend a silent vigil as a gesture of support for Jonathan. We ask that those wishing to attend dress in a manner appropriate for court.

Back at base camp, we’re still waiting for Whitehaven coal to bring in the heavy machinery  and work force. Whilst there has been little activity in the Leard State Forest, this may change by tomorrow (Monday 22). As soon as we see them start the alarm will go out, so hold your fire until you see the whites of their eyes, well until we see the yellow of their machines !!!!!

The camp numbers are slowly building up and all are welcome!There are a few phone Tree’s on the go; facebook, or register here .

Thankyou for your continuing words and actions of support. We, the people, will win this. They will not open cut the Leard State Forest !!!!!!

Stand and Protect

Love and Respect



Hi to all, first things first: Whitehaven are signing contracts this week to get works started on their infrastructure. It will take maybe 10 days  for the machinery to move in, so we’ll need you in camp by then for sure. If you would like to come out before then, that would be great, the forest always needs eye’s and ears…

The last two days Gomeroi Traditional Owners have been protesting outside Whitehaven’s office in Boggabri. This has really put a spanner in the company’s works and succeeded in dropping their share price down to $2.19. It points out that these mining sociopaths don’t give a damn about the  environment, farmers, workers or the Traditional Owners – that they’re willing to do whatever it takes to get the coal out of the hole before the coal market collapses entirely, but that when we stand up and speak up, we can have an impact.

 Gomeroi Traditional Owners,

We have not inherited the earth from our ancestors  We have bowed it from our children

We have not inherited the earth from our ancestors
We have borrowed it from our children

Stand and Protect

Love and Respect



Protest Occupies Boggabri Open Cut Mine

A large group of people have walked into the Boggabri Coal Mine pit in the Leard State Forest today as part of an international day of action against coal.

The group is calling on the Forestry Corporation of NSW to no longer sign access agreements with coal mining companies on public land and for banks to no longer fund new coal mines.

Front Line Action on Coal spokesperson Murray Drechsler said that three open-cut coal mines in Leard State Forest would wipe out over 4,000 hectares of native vegetation and would damage the local community and water table.

“These are our state forests, and by allowing destruction by Idemitsu and Whitehaven, the Forestry Corporation is abusing public trust,” Mr. Drechsler said.

“We will not give in until these forests and farms are protected.”

The group welcomed calls earlier this month for Australia’s big four banks to pull out of funding new coal projects after the Climate Commission advised 80% of coal must be left in the ground to avoid a climate catastrophe.

“It’s time for ANZ, Commonwealth, NAB and other banks to keep coal in the hole.”

A picture of the protest is available on request


For further comment:

Murray Drechsler

Front Line Action on Coal

0418 754 869

Day 320 Keeping the Coal in the hole

Hi all,

The news has been full of keeping the Coal in the hole  with the Climate Commission’s latest report saying  Australia must phase out coal power and Coal  mining in order to slow down climate change. We know that !!! many other country’s  know that as well, But the mining  and the State and Federal government’s seem intent on arguing that the world is flat !!! All the science is telling us, the environment is telling us, The price of coal it self is falling and falling and most other Country’s are moving away from Coal, and here we are in denial with the PM with her head up you know wear…….

So we still stand up for what is right, and we still camp in the Leard Sate Forest in protest against the mine’s contempt for the environment, Farmers and there workers. With the Leard Listen up just over a week away,will see many visitors experiencing  the Leard State Forest for the fist time and others that have retuned to have fun peace full protest.  It will be cold this time of year so bring your winter woolly’s !!! we have had our first frost a few day ago!!!!  The week end after that we have the Leard and Pilliga tour, If you are reading this blog then you know all about the Leard State Forest and the Coal mines, The Pilliga State Forest is under threat from Coal Seam Gas thanks to Santos, on the tour we will see the unrepairable damage done by CSG and some of the beauty of the area such as the Sand stone caves and Dandry Gorge

There is still much to do and can be done, so let the Forest be your play ground and join in the fun… a few things planed further  on down the track are; a weekend of Yoga in the Forest and on the 5th of August will be here one year !!!!! HAPPY BIRTH DAY Front Line Action on Coal, there will be a party the Mines wont forget, see you all here for that one !!!

until next time

Stand and Protect

Love and Respect




Day 313 What a week

Hi all,

               A very interesting week we have had in the camp, with the crew from “The Deconveters”  adding a theatrical feel to camp over the 8 day stay. The whole camp became there stage with song, dance and so much laughter in what can  be a sometimes very serious  camp, so good lighten the burden of the coal mines.

With the long week end , some more of our Japanese friend’s from Sydney came for another visit bringing the numbers at camp from 8 to 17. So good have a full camp with like minded  people yarning around the camp fire in the lounge room !! 

The people are not the corporation The corporation are not the people !!!

The people are not the corporation
The corporation are not the people !!!

We are allies in our fight for  a cleaner environment, what we mine here  affects others over seas, Boggabri coal ” Idemitsu “ is owned by an Japanese Company , not by the people of Japan. Australian mining company’s  over sea’s are far more ruthless in country’s wear the environmental and human right’s law are much lower then in this lucky country …. We all breath the same air, we all drink the same water, we all grow food, we are all in this together. 

Boggabri Coal has fished this years clear felling of the Leard State Forest with the last of the logging trucks on the dusty road going past camp, as if the clear felling was hard enough to witness , the logging truck’s taking the habitat trees past camp to the mines offset was heart braking !!! Sending a clear message that  State Forest with it’s 396 native species are in grave danger along with the very productive farm lands  surrounding the State Forest.

Logging truck going past camp, speeding up to create ha much dust as possible.

Logging truck going past camp, speeding up to create ha much dust as possible.

We to are sending a clear message to the multiple coal mines of the Leard State Forest ,  THIS IS A STATE FOREST, OUR FOREST, THE PEOPLES FOREST !!!

 Stand and Protect 

Love and Respect 



!!!!!! DAY 300 !!!!

Hi all , Wow don’t know what to say after 300 days ,,,

A big thank you goes out to all that have been out to the Leard State Forest 20 min north of Boggabri NSW and all those that have been supporting the camp and the Forest form a far, Thank you to all, and to the community of Mauls Creek, Gunnedah to Narrabri for there hospitality, strength and willingness to take up the fight for the Forest and there way of life. With out them this camp could not function,  THANK YOU THANK YOU .

IT looks like the Boggabri Coal Mine  have finished clearing for now but have heard on the grape vine that they will be doing more in August this year so please be ready  for ACTION, I will let you all know as soon as I find out more, all so in August ” Monday the 5th” will be our 1st year in the Forest !!!! YAY

We should all get together on that week end and celebrate in some from ???  a march or an Action, please let me know what you would like to happen ???

Whitehaven Coal have not started work on there beloved Mauls Creek mine yet waiting for the final go head from Burke.

So as we head towards day 365 there is still much to do!!! and much can happen!!!  and much will change in the harts and minds who think Coal is a good Idea. Dates to remember are 9th of June with the ” Emergency Crash Landing “ in the Leard State Forest

On the 28th of June we will be Looking in to the belly of the Beast with the Leard State Forest listen up on the same weekend , this is going to be a even bigger than the last Listen up with 80 people  coming out to the Forest for fun and adventure..

On the 5th of July will be another Mystery dingo Tour in The Pilliga and Leard State Forest seeing fist hand the destruction and the beauty.

For those who are in camp on the 5th of June there is a  Public forum: Gunnedah Council meeting to discuss Santos Work Camp which Front line will be going to give a helping hand to slow down Coal seam gas in the Pilliga State Forest.

And very last some words of inspiration;

“Do all the good you can ,
by all the means you can,
in all the ways you can,
in all the places you can,
at all the times you can,
to all the people you can,
as long as ever you can,

John Wesley 1703-1791

Stand and Protect

Love and Respect

Muzz and crew



Day 291. Gaining Ground

With the promise of much needed rain  in the region brings hope for the farmers. Canola, Lucerne and other  crops need water  to grow, some of the farmers where able to irrigate there crops from bores, but where stopped 15 to 20 years ago, The Coal mines had other ideas for the water, knowing three  open cut mines will drop the underground water table 5 to 10 meters..

There is much growing opposition to the Coal mines from Newcastle to the Leard State Forest, building up like a thunderstorm, only the Mines and the Government can’t see it coming !!!!  Both wanting more and more, Idemitsu have been clearing some of the Leard State Forest since January  displacing all wildlife and habitat NEVER to return !!! Open cuts don’t heal, why they keep going is beyond logic….  Wile they keep going so must we, the fly in the ointment, the sand in the gears, we wear them down and make them accountable for what and how they do there dirty business.

The camp in the Leard State Forest is Gaining momentum with many plans in the pipe line, some dates to remember; 28th to the 30th we will be having another Leard listen up with the LOOKING Into the Belly of The Beaston the 5th to the 8th of July a tour by Mystery dingo, details on  Facebook

Looking forward meeting  old faces back in camp and new faces coming to the Forest for the fist time, Knowing that even a short time  in this Forest will change the way you think and feel about the environment we live in, and the protection is needs DSC08829 Stand and Protect

Love and Respect

