453 Days
hi all,
Wonghaven coal still has not started work in the Leard State Forest which is great news, and Idimistu are still eating away at the forest bit by bit and may start clearing the forest again by the end of the year.
WE still need people in camp to keep an close eye on them and pounce on them the second they start.. WE will not give them any ground. There is a FREE bus living Sydney once a week for the next few weeks for more info about the FREE bus phone Kai Wild on 0448 755 039, If you can’t make it out on the bus there is support also needed in Sydney on the 1st of november Jonathan will be in the supreme court as well as Descendants of the Kamilaroi Nation will be protesting about the destruction of Aboriginal Culture &heritage,and the new laws being introduced that will destroy and cause even more corruption.we want to also bring attention to the governments ongoing failure to protect and preserve our sacred sites.
It is time we actively support each other to stop this
destruction coal seam gas and coal mining is destroying our country the Pilliga State Forest and Leard State Forests are about to be destroyed.
PLEASE HELP come to Hyde Park in Sydney next Friday at 10 am where we will be marching on parliament
Then on the 4th Wonghaven coal is having there agm in sydney
So back to the red alert if you see it on Front Line Action on Coal‘s facebook page it is the real deal
If you see a Red Alert from any where else call me on 0148 754 869 to confirm THEN get out here to give it to them..
The camp is a hive of activity with preparations for the upcoming red alert along with the everyday life of camping in the forest, so we will be see you all out here some time soon ” We will not give in ”
Stand and Protect
Love and Respect
440 days Leard State Forest Camp
Hi all,
Things are moving along nicely, with the Leard Listen Up going very well with many new face’s and many old ones, we are becoming one big family joining together for the good of all.
It was also good to have quite a few people stay for several days after the gig to help with the actions.
We are getting ready for Wronghaven to start knocking down the Leard State Forest in the next week or so. When they do start there will be a red alert put out so stay tuned. Also, we still need help in camp with preparations, so if anyone has any spare time we would love to see you here.
If we can ask for the Leard State Forest to be called Leard State Forest and not just Leard Forest, that would be great. This is important for a few reasons;
* The Forest Corporation should not get off so lightly for leasing our forest’s to destuctive mining.
*By calling it a State Forest it becomes our forest, the people’s forest, for which we, the people, must take responsibility for. If we destroy these State Forest’s there will be nothing left for our grandchildren or their grandchildren.
* Leard State Forest is easier to find on Google maps.
* IF this can happen in the Leard State Forest then all other State Forest’s are in danger as well!!!!!!
We have not inherited this earth from our ancestors, we have borrowed it from our children.
Stand and Protect,
Love and Respect.
Idemitsu Trucks Stopped By Protest
A group of people have gathered on the haul road of Idemitsu Kosan’s Boggabri Coal Mine today to protest the destruction of the Leard State Forest.
All trucks have ground to a halt at the intersection with Therribri Road near the Namoi River.
“We are here today to prevent the destruction of the Leard State Forest,” said Murray Drechsler, a spokesperson for Front Line Action on Coal.
“Idemitsu’s Boggabri mine plans to expand fourfold, destroying 2,000 hectares of habitat for koalas, regent honeyeaters and the swift parrot.”
“We will not give in until this forest is protected,” Mr. Drechsler said.
The Boggabri Coal mine sits entirely within the Leard State Forest, forming a coal complex with the Tarrawonga and Maules Creek mines which would drop the water table by over 5 metres and emit 18,000 tonnes of coal dust in the local area.
The Federal approval of the mine’s expansion is currently being challenged in court.
Protest Fills Whitehaven Office
Whitehaven Coal’s office in Boggabri has filled up with a group of people, who are demanding that Whitehaven come clean about the impacts and timing of the Maules Creek Coal Mine. The protest follows a large gathering on the haul road of Whitehaven’s Tarrawonga Coal Mine this morning.
A cloud of legal uncertainty hangs over the company’s planned Maules Creek coal mine, which would destroy 625 hectares of critically endangered Box Gum Woodland and drop the water table by at least 5 metres.
Maules Creek resident Anne-Marie Rasmussen said the coal mine’s impact would be devastating.
“We cannot afford to destroy our remaining forests and deplete the planet’s dwindling resources,” Ms. Rasmussen said.
“If Whitehaven cannot prove they can fully offset their destruction of the Leard State Forest they should cut their losses and abandon the Maules Creek open-cut pit.”
The legality of former environment minister Tony Burke’s approval of the mine is being challenged in the Federal Court and the federal government is also investigating whether Whitehaven has made false and misleading information about their biodiversity offsets.
Critics of the mine contend that there is not enough Box Gum forest left to offset the Maules Creek coal mine.
This morning’s protest at the Tarrawonga Mine lasted for two and a half hours until the group complied with a police direction to leave.
Whitehaven Halted by Protest
A large group of people have gathered on the haul road of Whitehaven’s Tarrawonga Coal Mine at Leard State Forest near Narrabri this morning to protest the impact of the company’s expansion plans on farmlands and forest.
A cloud of legal uncertainty hangs over the company’s planned Maules Creek coal mine, which would destroy 625 hectares of critically endangered Box Gum Woodland and drop the water table by at least 5 metres.
Maules Creek resident Anne-Marie Rasmussen said the coal mine’s impact would be devastating.
“We cannot afford to destroy our remaining forests and deplete the planet’s dwindling resources,” Ms. Rasmussen said.
“If Whitehaven cannot prove they can fully offset their destruction of the Leard State Forest they should cut their losses and abandon the Maules Creek open-cut pit.”
The legality of former environment minister Tony Burke’s approval of the mine is being challenged in the Federal Court and the federal government is also investigating whether Whitehaven has made false and misleading information about their biodiversity offsets.
Critics of the mine contend that there is not enough Box Gum forest left to offset the Maules Creek coal mine.
Day 427,
Camp is busy, on Orange Alert and preparing for the Leard Forest Listen Up #3. the Listen up starts tomorrow! with LTG screenings and a flat out weekend of music, skillshares and tours of the forest and farms,
Earlier this week Northern Inland Council for the Environment applied for a temporary injunction of Whitehaven Coal’s Maules Creek Project, while the Court case over Tony Burke’s dodgy approval is pending. The injunction was knocked back, and we are still on alert at camp for the commencement of maules creek project. Whitehaven are desperate to get going as the project has been delayed for 3 years, we are expecting the start in a couple of weeks, probably mid-october.
Jonathan Moylan’s case has been accepted in the Supreme Court. The next date will take place on the 1st of November. If you are in Sydney please join the support outside the court, www.standwithjono.org
One Year and Forty Three Days: Bump In
At camp we’re getting excited for the next Leard Forest Listen Up #3, here in Leard State Forest from the 27th – 30th Sept.
The bush concert will bring together people from all over the state and QLD to celebrate Earth, Climate and community.
With over 16 Live comedy and music acts, NVDA Skillshares, Tours through Leard State Forest and local farm.
We are still on Orange Alert here at camp, as Whitehaven’s Maules Creek Project construction could begin anyday.
This festival is going to be Massive! if anyone wants to help us out setting up from the 21st september to bump in or stay after, it would greatly appreciated!!
The music festival is a family friendly event and also an opportunity to celebrate the latest in the campaign.
Such as: Northern Inland Council for the Environment challenge of the Federal Governments dogdey approval of Whitehaven Coal’s Maules Creek project went to court on Monday
Check out: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/mining-energy/burkes-hand-forced-on-whitehaven-bids/story-e6frg9df-1226720492355
In other News the Royal Hotel pub in Boggabri is going Solar!! woohoo!
Leard Forest Listen Up #3
Come out to The Leard State Forest for a weekend of Ace Performance, Tours and NVDA Skillshares.
We have a long and growing list of amazing musicians and performers.
The Front Line Action on Coal camp has been defending Leard State Forest for over a year. Come out and show your support for the Maules Creek Farmers, Traditional Owners, and Environmental Activists that are standing up against Whitehaven and Idemitsu’s destruction.
Join us to stand up for Earth, Climate, Country and Community.
Check it out on
Check out FrontLine Action on Coal on
Golden Orb
10th Man
Les Baggatelles
Gabrielle Brennan
Shayne Hunter
Spencer Morton
Sean Walker
Back Deck
Gabi Bloom
Miriam Jones of CatGut
Alex McInnis
Lucky Luke
Anandan McEwen
Luke Wilton
Joe Dabron Music
Deanna Rose
One Year 18 days
Hi all ,
WOW it has been an amazing week !!!!! Starting with Snot MacDonald and his very quick visit to camp, we disagreed on much and agreed on more than he would admit !!
Then there was Agquip with many from the northern rivers to help out with Coal Seam Gas with a staunch gathering of 35 other community groups at the northwest alliance stall. so much fun was had by all and so good to catch up with crew from home. Something also BIG has happened in camp which will come to fulfillment in a week or so, so stay tuned, our voice in the forest will be a ROAR!!
Nothing much has happened on the mine front, NO WORK has started as yet, which is great news, still keeping a very close eye on all things in the Leard Forest, so as soon as we see the machinery, the alert will be raised, then ALL hands on deck. A work crew is now needed in camp so if you can get here please do! phone me on 0418 754 869 if you can get out to the Leard State Forest.
Someone asked me what has been the hardest thing about being in camp so far over the last year ???? I had to think about it for a while………….. well it was when Boggabri Coal “Idemitsu ” who started their 2013 clearing from January to june this year , before the new fence went up blocking off DIP road, Standing there watching the Habitat trees get knocked over. All the undergrowth is taken out first with a 24 hr break then all the saplings are taken and smaller trees, Habitat trees, the ones with hollows and of good size, are marked with a big red H. I call them home trees, home of the bird’s, possum’s, many bats, squirrel gliders, all gone, to be replaced by a BIG hole in the Leard State Forest never to be fixed.. forever lost to King Coal. Going back that evening seeing the many birds fly around trying to find their homes that were there in the morning, now gone !!!
Idemitsu will be doing more clearing along with Whitehaven’s Maules Creek project in the near future, WE can stop this and are doing our best to do so , the last line of defence is US taking nonviolent direct Action NVDA so be ready to come out to camp !!!
Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” John Wesley 1703-1791
Stand and Protect
Love and Respect
ONE YEAR & 3 DAYS Update from the Frontline in the Leard State Forest
Hi all ,
To mark the one year anniversary of setting up camp in the Leard State Forest, we had two days of celebrations here on site. A big thankyou to everyone who came, ate cake, sang and leant their presence to the festivities. A big thank you as well to those in Sydney and Brisbane, whose own koala parties we followed on the interwebs. Such joy and solidarity across states was wonderful to watch.
Keeping an eye on the roads waiting for work is to start in the Leard State Forest, as soon as we see them start we will let you all know so we can take ACTION !!!! Until then we do need a few in camp to help with the preparations so if you can come out please do , you are definitely needed here next week
We’re happy to see that the Whitehaven’s share price is still hovering just below $2. We’ve had a good first wave of people keeping the camp ticking along due to our birthday, and we’re looking forward to welcoming our next crew as you filter on over. Please feel free to join us in the forest at any time, there’s always a tent and a blanket here with your name on it. Dubi also misses you and wonders why you don’t visit more 😉
A lot has happened here in a year. …
* one year summary – news clips
See more stories @ Namoi Valley Independent
Battle for the Leard State Forest
from Prime 7 Tamworth
Banner drop fro Boggabri Coal’s coal loader
See you all here
Stand and protect
Love and Respect
The full 360 days
hi all,
360 days in the Leard State Forest how time has flown, it’s been quite a journey of the soul
Back to ORANGE ALERT, The court has slowed Whitehaven coal’s Mules Creek project to a halt for at least two weeks.
So that takes the pressure off the ground crew giving us time to celebrate the one year anniversary of the camp this Monday 5th. All welcome to come and celebrate this milestone with us !!!! Party up wile we can!!! Whitehaven’s share price is not looking good at all BUT Idemitsu “Boggabri Coal” is still mining in the heart of the State Forest and seems harder to slow down.
But enough from me, here’s a guest post from another of our intransient ferals, jeromeo:
You can’t stay away from a place like this. Eventually the clutches of the city loosen and you can escape back to the bush. Back to the birdsong and the ‘beep beep beep CRUNCH’ as the haul trucks and excavators play out their mating dance. Back to the unbroken sky, pierced only by the yellow plumes of explosives fumes, rising up with a deafening crack. Back to the ancient trees on death row. The living ecosystems nestled amongst their roots less valuable than the carbon of their ancestors, laid down millennia ago. It’s a timeless place, where time moves too fast. From the right vantage point you can watch as a new hill rises up, a new valley is carved out, and the water that has sustained the valley for an eternity is drained away. Animals nestled in hollow trees wake up to find their homes dumped in the middle of fields, one day the locals will wake up to find their own homes just as unliveable.
But until then the unwashed feral hordes will bear witness to the last days of this magical forest. And we will fight to keep what we can from the overburden piles.
Stand and Protect
Love and Respect